Larissa Fassler Projects Texts Biography CV Contact
Education 2003

Goldsmiths’ College, University of London, London, Master of Fine Art


Concordia University, Montreal, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Specialization: Sculpture


Capilano College, North Vancouver, Studio Arts Diploma

Solo & Duo Exhibitions 2024 Building Worlds, Kunsthalle Lingen, Lingen (upcoming)
  2021 Vermessung der Stadt | Measures of the City, with Benedikt Terwiel, Galerie im Rathaus Johannisthal, Berlin
    Tissus urbains | Urban fabrics, La Galerie - Centre for Contemporary Art, Noisy-le-Sec, Paris 
    Ground Control, Galerie Poggi, Paris
  2020 Critical Cartography: Larissa Fassler in Manchester, Currier Museum of Art, Manchester, New Hampshire
    “Not Enough Perfume, Too Many Puddles”: Marking the 150th Anniversary of Hans Baluschek’s Birth, Bröhan-Museum, Berlin 
  2019 FORMS OF BRUTALITY, Berlin Art Prize, SMAC, Berlin
  2018 EMOTIONAL BLACKMAIL, Art in public space, curator Tirdad Zolghadr, a REALTY and KW Institute for Contemporary Art commission, Berlin
    Transatlantique, The Armory Show, with Kapwani Kiwanga, Galerie Poggi, New York
  2017 FIAC, with Yona Friedman, Galerie Poggi, Paris
  2016 CIVIC. CENTRE.  Esker Foundation, Calgary
    Transit: Ströme, with Mirko Martin, Schader-Stiftung | Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt
    Worlds Inside, Galerie Poggi, Paris
    Extraits | Extracts, curator Catherine Bédard, Canadian Cultural Centre, Paris
  2015 EPICENTRE, Little Krimminals, Berlin
  2014 Circling the Void, SEPTEMBER, Berlin
  2012 Palace / Palace, SEPTEMBER, Berlin

2011 Masterplan, Galerie Poggi, Paris
    This Is Nowhere I, SEPTEMBER, Berlin


2009 Walking in Place, SEPTEMBER, Berlin

And Then There Were None, with Richard Schütz, InterAccess, Toronto

  2007 Squirm, with Bettina Hoffmann, Open Space, Victoria

The Sexual Landscape Recast, with Karen Brett, Gallery 44, Toronto

  2006 People in Art/People as Art, Truck, Calgary
    pedestrian, with Patricia Reed, WestGermany, Berlin
  2005 Teen Couples, Articule, Montreal
  2002 Doppelgangers, YYZ Artists' Outlet, Toronto
    Docudrama Series: Offerings, curator Jonathan Middleton, Westernfront, Vancouver
    A Dinner Party for Jane Doe, with Barbara Prokop, curator Marcus Miller, SAW Gallery, Ottawa
  2001 Application for a Medal, S.O.X. 36, Berlin
    No Contact Made: The Flower Project, Resource Centre for the Arts, St. John's, Newfoundland
  2000 Art may imitate life, but life imitates T.V., with Barbara Prokop, Access Artist-run Centre, Vancouver
    By any means, La Centrale, Montreal
  1999 Art may imitate life, but life imitates T.V., with Barbara Prokop, VAV Gallery, Montreal
Group Exhibitions 2024 WALK THIS WAY, curator Kristina Groß, Kunstmuseum Ravensburg (upcoming)
    Cartographies en jeu(x): an art of mapping geopolitics and critical play, Galerie La Box, Bourges (upcoming)
    Building Blocks, Zuostant, Berlin (upcoming)
    Under the Sun: Architecture of Enjoyment, Werkstadt, Berlin (upcoming)
  2023 This Is a Rehearsal, Chicago Architecture Biennial, fifth edition, curated by the Floating Museum, Chicago
    The Way We Are 5.0, Weserburg Museum für moderne Kunst, Bremen
    Studio Stadt. Peripherien elektronischer Musik, an exhibition in two parts, Scharaun, Berlin-Siemensstadt
    Studio Stadt. Peripherien elektronischer Musik, an exhibition in two parts, Kunstraum München
    Sorge um den Bestand. Zehn Strategien für die Architektur, in collaboration with Denkstatt sàrl, touring exhibition: Bahnareal Erfurt (2024), WEST in der Alten WU, VIenna (2023), Citykirche Koblenz (2023); Museum für Kunst & Gewerbe Hamburg (2022-23); Robotron Kantine, Dresden (2022); Viktoriabad Bonn (2022); Schuppen 6, Lübeck (2022); Volksbank Münsterland Nord eG, Münster (2021); Technical University of Munic (TUM) (2021); DAZ, Berlin (2021)
    Berlin, a 10-year itch, Pictura, Dordrecht
  2022 22/23 : spielzeit, Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen
    Transgressive Non-conformist Approaches to the Art and the City, curator Lukas Feireiss, Kühlhaus, Berlin
    EAW, Kunsthalle Lingen, Lingen
    CHARTA# 3 - Pattern and Territory, curators Jan-Philipp Frühsorge and Stephan Klee, HAUNT, Berlin
    Why can’t we live together – Collection Peters-Messer in Marburg, curator Linda Peitz, Marburger Kunstverein
  2021 Femmes à l’œuvre, Galerie d'art MI[X], Mourenx
    The Landscapists, Stephen Lawrence Gallery – University of Greenwich Galleries, London
    Living the City. On Cities, People and Stories, Tempelhof Airport, Berlin
    Mapping along. Recording Margins of Conflict, Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Berlin
    Expanse, Body, Space. Olivier Debré and artists-architects, curators: Isabelle Reiher & Marine Rochard, CCC OD, Tours
    "Step Out of the Strange Light“, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.), Berlin
  2020 Willful Blindness, Institut d'Études Supérieures des Arts (IESA) , Paris
    Uferhallen-Manifest, curators: Isabelle Meiffert & Sarah Theilacker, Uferhallen, Berlin
    Living the City. On Cities, People and Stories, Tempelhof Airport, Berlin
    The Place I Once Called Home, curated by Paul Hutchinson, Art'Us Collectors' Collective, Breiterhof, Munich
    Champs-Elysées - Histoire et perspectives, Pavillon de l’Arsenal, Paris
  2019 Ubiquitous Surfaces, curator Rita Aktay, SEAGER Gallery, London
    Ground Control, curators Anais Castro & Verity Seward, R E I T E R galleries, Berlin
    Perspectives on Urban Spaces, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa
    Libertés de mouvement, Le FRAC Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand
    What Goes Around Comes Around, charitable art exhibition, Studiolo, Berlin
    La Ville, Galerie Sophie Scheidecker, Paris
    City Movement – Von Menschen und Räumen, curator Isabelle Stamm, Galerie im Saalbau, Berlin 
  2018 MAC International 2018, The MAC, Belfast   
    New Acquisitions, Fondation Colas, Paris
    Another World, curated by Tracey Emin, Deutsche Bank Wealth Management lounges, Frieze London, London  
    The World on Paper – Works from the Deutsche Bank Collection, PalaisPopulaire, Berlin

I am a crack, I go through walls – Works from the collection Peters-Messer and the Miettinen Collection, Salon Dahlmann, Berlin

    Drawing by Numbers, Galerie Poggi, Paris
  2017 11th São Paulo Architecture Biennial, curator Marcos L. Rosa, São Paulo, Brazil
    Fleisch und Stein | Flesh and Stone, curator Cagla Ilk, WhiteBOX, Munich
    Blurriness and White Spots: A Cartographic Approach to Urban Space, Kunsthaus Muerz, Münzzuschlag, Austria

Dimensões variáveis | Variable dimensions - Artists and Architecture, curators Gregory Lang and Inês Grosso,
         MAAT | Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology, Lisbon


In correspondence with the drawing, curator Stephan Köhler, Michael Fuchs Galerie, Berlin


The Berlin Case, Boris Yeltsin Center, Ekaterinburg, Russia


DIMENSIONS VARIABLES - Artists and Architecture, curator Gregory Lang, Pavillon de l’Arsenal, Paris


Versuch, einen Platz in Berlin zu erfassen, L40, Berlin


EAST/ANBUL, ArtInternational Istanbul, Galerie Poggi, Istanbul


Promenons-nous..., l'Abbaye, Ville d'Annecy-le-Vieux, France


Matérialisme Histérique, Galerie Poggi, Paris


Hausbesetzung | Squatting, NKV – Nassauischer Kunstverein Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden


Beyond Architecture, NAK – Neuer Aachener Kunstverein, Aachen


Les Horizons, La Criée, Rennes

Vom Außenraum zum Innenraum. Sammlung Florian Peters-Messer, KunstHaus Potsdam, Potsdam

Winter Show, SEPTEMBER, Berlin

Dissident Desire / Chapter 2: Terrain of Threshold Voices, District, Berlin

Old School, Kunsthalle Kiel, Kiel


Algemeinplätze und Nahaufnahmen | Shared spaces and close-ups, SomoS, Berlin


Dysraphic City, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin


Urbanität mal anders, curator Dorothee Bienert, Galerie im Körnerpark, Berlin

Aufwachen ! Besser machen ! | Wake Up! Get It Right!, curator Meta Marina Beeck, Kleine Humboldt Galerie, Berlin

Berlin.Status (2), curators Sven Drühl and Christoph Tannert, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin


Stadt In Sicht | City in Sight — Works from the Deutsche Bank Collection, Museum Ostwall im Dortmunder U, Dortmund

The Architectural Ellipsis, curators Javier Toscano and Ruth Estévez, Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco, Mexico City


FAIL!, Node Curatorial Center, Berlin

    Design, Poverty, Fiction, Grand Hornu, Boussu, Belgium

Silvrettatelier, Palais Liechtenstein, Feldkirch, Austria

    between appropriation and intervention, curator Harald F. Theiss, Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Berlin
    How High is the Moon?, Galerie Jérôme Poggi, Paris

New Acquisitions, Fonds Municipal d'Art Contemporain – City of Paris, FIAC, Paris


Insight – Outsight II: Die Sammlung Florian Peters-Messer, Städtische Galerie im Park, Viersen, Germany

2011 between appropriation and intervention, curator Harald F. Theiss, Kristiansand Kunsthall, Norway

Seitenlichtsaal:raumproduktion, curator Matthias Böttger, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf

Funkhaus Art Prize 2011, Funkhaus Nalepastrasse, Berlin
Art works, Art in the Deutsche Bank Towers, Frankfurt
Tape Modern No.20 'Destructionconstruction', curators Daniel Kingery and Amir Fattal, Tape Modern, Berlin
    Metrospective 1.0, Future Gallery and PROGRAM e.V, Berlin
    Berliner Allee 174, curator Jean-François Karst, Centre Culturel Colombier, Rennes

Berliner Geschichten (Berlin Stories): The Collective Coral Colony, curator Adnan Yildiz, Tensta Konsthall, Stockholm

    REALSTADT. Wünsche als Wirklichkeit, curators Martin Heller and Angelika Fitz, Kraftwerk Mitte, Berlin
    Diskurshexe III , a part of “Are You Coming Too?”, Galerie Knoth & Krüger and SEPTEMBER, Berlin
    Schwerinblicke – Künstlersichten, Staatliches Museum Schwerin, Schwerin
  2009 Splendid Isolation – Goldrausch 2009, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin
    Ostrale’09 – third international exhibition for contemporary art, Ostragehege Dresden
    The New Omega Workshops, SEPTEMBER, Berlin
    Selected Artists, Stipendiaten des Arbeitsstipendiums für Bildende Kunst des Berliner Senats, NGBK, Berlin
  2008 Video Visions, Edith-Ruß-Haus für Medienkunst, Oldenburg
    Le Chamois de Messidor, Program – initiative for art + architectural collaborations, Berlin
    Everybody Knows This is Nowhere, Galerie Wendt + Friedmann, Berlin
    Urban Jealousy – 1st International Roaming Biennial of Tehran, traveling exhibition, Istanbul, Berlin, Belgrade
    World One Minutes, - Traveling Exhibition: Today Art Museum, Beijing; deBuren, Brussels; Gulbenkian museum, Lisbon;
         Museu de Art, Sao Paolo and the Townhouse Gallery, Cairo
  2007 WALK! Spazierengehen als Kunstform, Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin
    Graphzines et autres publications d’artistes, Bibliothèque et Archives nationals du Québec, Montreal
  2006 Super 6, ABEL - Neue Kunst, Berlin
    The Momental, Sparwasser HQ, Berlin
  2005 Take My Hand, Nina Menocal Gallery, Mexico City
    Take My Hand, ThreeWalls Gallery, Chicago
  2004 21. Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- & Videofest, Kassel
    TAPE291, 291 Gallery, London
    Out and About, sis boom bah Gallery, Toronto
  2003 ev+a 2003, Limerick City Gallery of Art, curator Virginia Pérez-Ratton, Limerick, Ireland
    The Bigger Picture: Portraits from Ottawa, The Ottawa Art Gallery, curator Karen Love, Ottawa
    Out and About, Century Gallery, London
    Goldsmith’s Postgraduate Degree Show, Goldsmiths College, London
    de•een•minuten - the•one•minutes, Sandberg Institute, Video Festival, Amsterdam
    Bootleg, Spitalfields Market, London
  2002 PROOF 9, Gallery 44, Toronto
    An American in Paris: 5 Canadian artists working in Berlin, P.P. Premises, Berlin
  2002 Long Ago and Far Ahead, CESTA, Tabor, Czech Republic
    Hold Your Breath, Plovdiv Municipal Art Gallery, part of the European Month of Culture, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
  1999 Le scénario visuel de la page: 100 livres d’artistes, Bibliothèque nationale du Quebec, Montreal
    Videoarchaeology – Paris, International video festival, La traverse art centre, Paris
    Videoarchaeology – Bulgaria, International video festival, ATA Center for Contemporary Art, Sofia
    Video Vérité – Video exhibition of emerging Canadian artists, TED Gallery, Varna, Bulgaria
    Random, Leonard and Ellen Bina Gallery, Montreal
Residencies 2023

Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, 2-12 program


La Galerie - Centre for Contemporary Art, Noisy-le-Sec 


The Currier Museum of Art, Manchester, New Hampshire 


The Récollets International Residency, Institut français and the City of Paris, Paris


SilvrettAtelier, Artist Residency, Bielerhöh, Austria


Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, hosted by Berlin Senate


CESTA - Cultural Exchange Station, Tabor, Czech Republic

Work in Collections  

The Currier Museum of Art, Henry Melville Fuller Fund, Manchester, NH, USA 


Stadtmuseum Berlin, Germany


National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Canada


Global Affairs Canada – Visual Art Collection | Canadian Embassy, Paris


FRAC Nouvelle-Aquitaine MÉCA (Fonds régional d’art contemporain Nouvelle-Aquitaine), Bordeaux, France


FRAC Auvergne (Fonds régional d’art contemporain Auvergne), Clermont-Ferrand, France


Huma Kabakcı Collection, Istanbul, Turkey


La Fondation Colas, France


Le Fonds municipal d'art contemporain de la Ville de Paris (FMAC), France

    Staatliches Museum Schwerin, Germany
    Deutsche Bank Collection, Germany
    Sammlung Peters-Messer, Berlin | Viersen, Germany
    National Library of Quebec, Artists’ book collection, Montreal, Canada
Workshops and Lectures  

HafenCity Universität Hamburg, Urban Design, Germany


L'École des Arts Décoratifs, program: “Nouveaux Imaginaires du Dessin”, Paris, France


Newcastle University, School of Architecture, Planning & Landscape, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK


Bergen Architecture School (BAS), Urban Research & Design Studio, Norway


Muthesius Kunsthochschule, Spatial Strategies, Kiel, Germany


Universität der Künste Berlin (UdK), Institute of Architecture and Urbanism, Germany


Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institute for Design and Urban Planning, Germany


ZK/U Berlin - Center for Art and Urbanistics, Germany


University of Gothenburg - HDK-Valand - Academy of Art and Design, Sweden


Technische Universitat Braunschweig, Institute of Media and Design, Germany


Denkstatt, Basel, Switzerland


University of Sheffield, School of Architecture, MA Urban Design, UK

    Western Humanities Alliance Conference “Spectral Cities”, Calgary Institute for the Humanities, Canada
    Universität Innsbruck, Symposium “Visualising Immaterialities”, Institut für Gestaltung Studio1, Faculty for Architecture, Austria
    Rapperswil conference “Atmosphere, Sensiblity, Space”, HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil, Switzerland
    Universität Kassel, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Germany
Bibliography 2024 Carcano, Thibault, "Un ouvrage singulier, à l’interface de l’art et des sciences sociale”. Lu / Viewshed, Larissa Fassler in Urbanités
2023 Bührig, Sebastian, "Larissa Fassler: Viewshed, Rezension von Sebastian Bührig", ARCH+
  Hawthorne, Christopher, "At the Chicago Architecture Biennial, Artists Run Free", The New York Times, Nov. 28, 2023
  “Behind The City’s Facades, Bjørn Hegardt in conversation with Larissa Fassler”, FUKT #21 – The Unknown Issue, pp. 50-63, pages.
2022 LARISSA FASSLER: VIEWSHED, Editor Diana Sherlock, DISTANZ, ISBN 978-3-95476-435-8
  Sorge um den Bestand. Zehn Strategien für die Architektur. Editors O. Bahner, M. Böttger, L. Holzberg, jovis, pp. 116-121, ISBN ‏978-3868596595

Cataldo, Samantha, "More than maps: Larissa Fassler’s cartographic drawings capture the complexities of a city”, JoLA - Journal of Landscape
. pp. 40-49, Issue 3_2021

  REALTY: Beyond the Traditional Blueprints of Art & Gentrification, Editor Tirdad Zolghadr, Hate Cantz, pp 32-33, ISBN 978-3-7757-5345-6
    Step Out of the Strange Light, Exhibition Catalogue Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, n.b.k.. Berlin Vol. 13, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther
         und Franz König, Cologne. ISBN 978-3-7533-0108-2

"Représenter la ville invisible | Representing the Invisible City: Larissa Fassler”, STREAM 05 New Intelligences, A PCA-STREAM publication, 2021


Krieger, Deborah, "Larissa Fassler’s cartography at the Currier Museum describes socioeconomic disparities in Manchester", Artblog - Reviews


"Larissa Fassler_Gare du Nord”, metroZones, video 14 min


"metroZones_Mapping Along_Artist Talk with Larissa Fassler”, metroZones, video 8:31 min


"An Attempt to Drain Places”, PCA-STREAM Architecture, Paris “THINK”, video 5 min


Living the City - Double Feature, Larissa Fassler and Raul Walch with Lukas Feireiss, video 1 hour

  Série 50/50 – Rencontre #3 : Larissa Fassler, l’arpenteuse, Artist Talk, Canadian Cultural Centre – Paris, video 35:55 min
  Jaumouillé, Laure. "Larissa Fassler. Enquêtes urbaines” artpress, 31 mars 2021
  "Camille présente "Gare du Nord" de Larissa Fassler”, "Ground Control" Galerie Poggi, du 23 janvier 2021 au 27 février 2021. video 1:51 min
    Exposition "Tissus urbains", Larissa Fassler. Presented by Marc Bembekoff, director/curator. La Galerie, centre d'art contemporain, video 9:08 min
  Michel, Ilan. "Larissa Fassler", Zérodeux / 02
  Lisowski, Pauline. “Tissus urbains, exposition personnelle de Larissa Fassler”, Le Corridor de l’art, 31 mars 2021
  Scemama, Patrick. "Les galeries: fréquentation record", La République de l’Art, le 16 février 2021
  "Larissa Fassler On Show", AA L’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, Section(s) : Actualités, AA 440 - décembre 2020
2020 Decoding Manhattan: Island of Diagrams, Maps, and Graphics, Editors A. Antoniou and S. Heller, ABRAMS, ISBN 978-1-4197-4760-1
  Hampton, Chris. "Perspectives on Urban Spaces", National Gallery of Canada.
    Bauer, Jakob. “Mit nur wenigen Schritten von Brüssel nach Bordeaux - Ausstellung "Living The City" im Flughafen Tempelhof”, rbb24, 24.09.20
  "Larissa Fassler Mapping Manchester", artist talk with Samantha Cataldo, curator of contemporary art at the Currier Museum of Art, Manchester, NH,
         USA , video 1:07 hour
  Calvelli, amery, "Rewriting Place: What progress has to do with ideology, architecture, and how we inhabit the city”, Esker Foundation’s
         online publishing.
  “Gare du Nord - Larissa Fassler”, Architektur Ethnografie, ARCH+ 238, pp.162-167
  Peal, Toya , "Working Place: Constructing Collage as Critique”, AD Architectural Design, Volume 90, Issue 1, Special Issue: The Landscapists:          Redefining Landscape Relations, Editor: Ed Wall. January/February 2020, Pages: 66-73
2019 Western Humanities Review, Western Humanities Alliance Special Issue: SPECTRAL CITIE. Fall 2019 | 73.3
  Nedo, Kito. “What Does A Tenfold Increase in Berlin’s Real Estate Prices Mean for the City’s Art?.” Frieze, 14.11.2019
2018 "Unseen - Contemporary Urban Research in the European City", EuropeNow, Nicole Shea editor, May 1, 2018
  Morisset, Vanessa. “LARISSA FASSLER SKETCH. ” esse, Nr. 93
2016 Ylitalo, Katherine. “CIVIC. CENTRE. ” Avenue magazine, Calgary, December issue, p.122
  Hoberman, Mara. “Larissa Fassler – Galerie Jérôme Poggi.” ARTFORUM, April Issue. p.247
  Sherlock, Diana. “Larissa Fassler's Feminist Psychogeography - My Body is the City”, Canadian Art, Spring 2016
  Shipwright, Fiona. “Unchartered Ground: Larissa Fassler’s Psychogeographic Cartographies”, Uncube Magazine, No.42, Blog: 03 Mar 2016
  Santoro, Alessandro. Vogue Arts: “Arts and Space in Paris”, Vogue Italia 08/03/2016
  Scemama, Patrick. "Connaître le monde", La République de l'Art, Februray 11th, 2016
  Sherlock, Diana. "Interview with Larissa Fassler by Diana Sherlock, 2015", Worlds Inside - exhibition booklet, Galerie Jérôme Poggi, Paris 2016
2015 Artists and Architecture, Variable Dimensions, [Exhibition catalogue, Pavillon de l'Arsenal, Octobre 2015] Curators: Didier Gourvennec Ogor,          Gregory Lang; Texts de Liliana Albertazzi, Sarina Basta & Nils Norman, Lorenzo Benedetti, Marc Donnadieu, et al. EN /FR  1 vol. (264 p.) : ill.          Edited Pavillon de l'Arsenal. Paris: 2015, p. 84
  Donsbach, Ruben. "Die Stadt als reine Information" (The City as Pure Information), Intersection magazine (D), No. 3, Fall 2015. p. 46-49
  Torisson, Fredrik. "Larissa Fassler: Epicentre", Epicentre [Exhibition booklet], Little Krimminals, Berlin 2015
  “FOCUS: The Deutsche Bank Collection: Larissa Fassler", ArtMag - Deutsche Bank KunstHalle, issue 87. March 2015 p. 23-30.
  Galimberti, Luigi. "Urban Landscapes as Acts of Collage", Kolaj, issue 12, Montreal: 2015, p. 8-15
  Koerner von Gustorf, Oliver. "City in Sight: The Deutsche Bank Collection at the Dortmunder U", ArtMag - Deutsche Bank KunstHalle, issue 76
  "Mapping Kotti", Stadtaspekte - New Spaces: Baukultur in German Cities, Stadtaspekte e.V. March 2015, p.104-107
  Mind the Map: Illustrated Maps and Cartography, Editors: A. Antoniou, R. Klanten, S. Ehmann, Berlin: Gestalten. September 2015. p. 110-111
2014 Feireiss. L and R. Klanten. Imagine Architecture – Artistic Visions of the Urban Realm. Berlin: Gestalten
  Urgências Urbana / Urbane Dringlichkeiten (Urban Urgencies), Special edition of Arte e Ensaios, Universidade Federal
         do Rio de Janeiro, in cooperation with Berlin-Weissensee School of Art, a part of the Germany Year in Brazil 2013–2014

Phillips, Alexandra. “Both Here and There: Canadian Artists and the Berlin Experience”, cmagazine, 122 summer 2014. p.30-34


Old School: Anachronismus in der zeitgenössischen Kunst, Kunsthalle Kiel, ISBN 978-3-937208-41-1

Majer, Anja, Esther Ernst, “Mit Schnitte #1”,von hundert, 10-2013

Berlin Status No.2. Sven Drühl, Christoph Tannert, und das Künstlerhaus Bethanien. DruckVerlag Kettler


La Elipsis Arquitectónica / The Architectural Ellipsis. Ruth Estévez & Javier Toscano. Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco.
         Mexico City ISBN: 9786077784463


Stadt in Sicht – Werke aus der Sammlung Deutsche Bank. Deutsche Bank AG. CC Kunst. Frankfurt am Main & Kurt,


     Wettengl Museum Ostwall im Dortmunder U. DruckVerlag Kettler, Bönen


SILVRETTATELIER 2012.Vorarlberger Illwerke AG, Austria


Hauffen, Michael. “between appropriation and interventions.” KUNSTFORUM International, no. 221, p. 270-272


Born, Megan, Helene Furján, Lily Jencks with Phillip M. Crosby. DIRT. ViaBooks, a PennDesign Publication,


     Volume 2. Philadelphia, Cambridge, London: PennDesign and the MIT Press

  Pigeat, Anaël. “Larissa Fassler at Galerie Jérôme Poggi.” artpress, translation L.S. Torgoff, January 2012­­­. no. 385
2011 Kuhn, Nicola. “Kotti, my love.” Der Tagesspiegel, 24.12.2011

Ewing, Margaret. “Larissa Fassler – SEPTEMBER.” ARTFORUM, October Issue. p.327

  Freireiss, Lukas. “Larissa Fassler – The Body and the City.” ArtMag - Deutsche Bank KunstHalle, issue 65. June 11
  Art Works – Sammlung Deutsche Bank Zentrale. Frankfurt am Main: Deutsche Bank CC Kunst
2010 Art Cologne 2010 Highlights / Part 3,, April 25, 2010
  Nedo, Kito. “Aus dem Bauch des Kottbusser Tores.” Die Tageszeitung. 06.01.2010. p.28
2009 Klanten. R, and  L. Feireiss. Beyond Architecture – Imaginative Buildings and Fictional Cities. Berlin: Gestalten
    Selected Artists, Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten des Arbeitsstipendiums für Bildende Kunst des Berliner Senats 2008, NGBK,
         Berlin: Vice Versa Vertrieb
  2008 Ter Borg, Lucette. World One Minutes – Video & Literature, Rotterdam: Veenman Drukkers
    Müller, Dominikus. “Mit der Länge meines Körpers.” Die Tageszeitung. 27.08.2008. p25
    “Control: Drawing and Re-Drawing.” Paramnesia Berlin. 08.08.2008
    Nedo, Kito. “Coole Ausstellungen für heiße Tage 2.” art - das Kunstmagazin. 01.08.2008
  2007 Dschungel, JungleWorld, Nr. 38, 20.09.2007
    Ackermann, Tim. “Überall Promenadologen.” TAZ Berlin. 3. September 2007
    Mühling, Jens. “Gewinner und Flanierer.” Der Tagesspiegel, 2. September 2007
    Walk! – Spazierengehen als Kunstform”, Zitty, 30. 8 – 12. 9. 2007
    Manley, Claudia B. The Sexual Landscape Recast. Gallery 44 Exhibition Booklet. June-July 2007

Graphzines et autres publications d’artistes. Bibliothèque et Archives nationals du Quebec. Canada: Deschamps inc.

    Jager, David. “All-Ages Sexuality.” Art Reviews. NowToronto, Vol. 26 No. 42. June 21-27. 2007
  2006 Pedestrian – Connective and cacophonous non-places. Berlin: Revolver
    McVeigh, Jennifer. “Two’s Company.” Calgary Herald. Feb. 4, 2006

Reynolds, Travis. “Ich Bin Ein Berliner.” Swerve Mag – Calgary Herald. Jan. 27, 2006

    Ming Ho, Karilynn. “Public in Art/Public as Art.” Exhibition Essay, Truck Gallery, Calgary: 2006
    Lafortune, Wes. “A Public statement: Larissa Fassler tracks teens and delivers flowers to explore social context.”Jan. 26
  2005 Balcaen, Jo-Anne. “Teen Couples.” Exhibition Essay, Article, Montreal
    Dault, Julia. “At the Galleries: A Photographic Spin the Bottle.” National Post. p B6, April 14. 2005

Wolkman, Michael. “Heart-Shaped Limbo.” Newcity. p.18. February 10, 2005


Love, Karen. The bigger picture : portraits from Ottawa/Les mille et un visages d'Ottawa. Ottawa: The Ottawa Art Gallery


Love, Karen. “The bigger picture: portraits from Ottawa.” CV Photo. p35. V. 62. 2004

  2003 Goldsmiths Masters in Fine Art Degree Exhibition Catalogue. London: Perivan White Dove
    O’Reilly, Paul. ev+a: 2003 On The Border of Each Other. Oysterhaven: Gandon Editions
    Chaoimh, Mairead. “It’s the Mystery Flower Lady of Limerick City.” Limerick Leader. Saturday March 1

Nemerofsky Ramsay, Benny. Doppelganger (YYZine), Vol. 2 Issue 7. Toronto: YYZ Artists’ Outlet


Hirschmann, Thomas. “Top 10 Art Shows of 2002”, NowToronto, online edition. Dec. 2002

    Brayshaw, Christopher. “Adults Evoke Childish Impulses.” The Georgia Straight. December 5 – 12
    McCormick, Katy. “Proof 9”, Gallery 44, Toronto: 2002
  2001 Martin, Annie. By Any Means. Pink Link / la proposition rose. Montreal: La Centrale/Powerhouse

Weekend AM - Arts Report, Angela Antle, CBC Radio Canada, May 12, 2001.

    “No Contact Made: the flower project.” Canadian Art, Maritimes Section. p 20, Volume 18. number 1. spring 2001

Fuchs, Claudia. “Derselbe und doch ein ganz anderer.” Berliner Zeitung. Number 174. July 28


Groll, Martin. “Verschmidtste - Party am Marchenbrunnen.” Berliner Morgenpost. July 31, 2000

    Meixner, Silvia. “Mein Name ist Schmidt."- “Meiner auch!", ”Meiner auch!". Die Welt. July 31,
    Johnson, Mia. “Barbara Prokop & Larissa Fassler - Art may imitate life, but life imitates T.V,” Preview. 2000-01
    Crevier, Lyne. “L'heure du thé.” ici, 9-16 March 4, 2000.
    Lamarche, Bernard. “Icones insolites.” Le Devoir. D7, March 2000